Managers with high emotional intelligence create positive work environments, boost employee morale, and reduce turnover. In this blog, we would discuss extensively the role high Emotional Intelligence plays in helping managers become more effective


What is Emotional Intelligence?


Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one’s own emotions as well as the emotions of others. 

The importance of emotional intelligence (EI) for managers cannot be overstated, this skill set is crucial for effective management and leadership. A recent TalentSmart study shows that a leader’s emotional intelligence (EQ) is responsible for 58% of his or her job performance, likewise 90% of top performers have high emotional intelligence, underlining its importance in effective leadership. Managers with high emotional intelligence have a higher chance of experiencing better team collaboration, improved employee morale, and enhanced overall organizational performance.


Emotional intelligence encompasses several key components that together form the foundation of this essential skill, they include:

  1. Self-Awareness: Self awareness is the ability to recognize and understand one’s own emotions and how they affect thoughts and behavior. Self-aware managers can identify their strengths and weaknesses and have a clear sense of their values and goals.
  2. Self-Regulation: The ability to manage and control one’s emotions, particularly in stressful situations. Any Manager who can self-regulate is less likely to make impulsive decisions and more likely to think through the consequences of their actions.
  3. Motivation: This refers to the strong drive to achieve goals, maintain a positive attitude, and remain committed to objectives despite setbacks. Most times emotional intelligence is associated with just anger management and the ability to manage relationships but it goes beyond that. Managers with high EI are motivated from the inside, and are often more resilient and persistent.
  4. Empathy: As a manager, how often do you seek to understand and share the feelings of your team members? Without empathy, you can not build strong relationships with your teams or even understand what motivates them to work. Empathetic managers drive better results because they can build stronger relationships with their team members and are more attuned to their needs and concerns.
  5. Social Skills:  This is basically proficiency in managing relationships and building networks. Only managers with strong social skills can communicate effectively, manage conflicts, and lead by example.


When Do Managers Need Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is crucial for managers at all times, but it’s especially important in certain scenarios. Let’s explore a few:

Giving and Receiving Feedback

Providing constructive feedback and accepting criticism are vital aspects of a manager’s role. Emotional intelligence helps managers deliver feedback in a manner that is supportive and motivating, rather than demoralizing. For instance, instead of saying, “You did this wrong,” an emotionally intelligent manager might say, “Here’s a way to improve this.” This approach encourages growth and confidence. Additionally, emotionally intelligent managers can receive feedback without becoming defensive, and use it as a tool for personal and professional growth. According to a study by Harvard Business Review, leaders who can effectively handle feedback are 1.5 times more likely to improve their own performance and that of their team.


Attending to Deadlines

Meeting deadlines often involves significant stress and pressure. Managers with high emotional intelligence manage their own stress and help their team stay calm and focused. They prioritize tasks effectively and motivate their team to meet deadlines without sacrificing quality. For example, instead of showing frustration when a deadline looms, an emotionally intelligent manager might say, “Let’s focus on what we can control and tackle the most critical tasks first.”


Dealing with Challenging Work Relationships

When two team members disagree, an emotionally intelligent manager facilitates a conversation where each party can express their views and work towards a resolution. According to Gallup, teams led by managers who handle conflicts well are 50% more likely to report high levels of collaboration. Interpersonal conflicts are inevitable in any workplace, so only managers would take their time to understand different perspectives, mediate disputes, and build a more cooperative and positive work environment will be able to effectively navigate these challenges.


When Resources are Limited

Lack of adequate resources can lead to frustration and decreased morale and only Managers who are emotionally intelligent can remain composed and resourceful, find creative solutions and maintain team morale despite the challenges. A study by McKinsey & Company shows that companies with managers who excel in resourcefulness are 20% more likely to outperform their competitors.


Managing Change

Organizational changes, such as restructurings or the introduction of new processes, can be unsettling for employees. Managers with high emotional intelligence can communicate changes effectively, address concerns empathetically, and help their team adapt smoothly. If during a major company restructuring, a manager might explain the reasons behind the changes and offer support for affected employees, it helps team members trust the ability of the manager to lead them even more.


Dealing with Setbacks and Failures

Setbacks and failures are part of any business journey. Managers who are emotionally intelligent can maintain a positive outlook, learn from these experiences, and inspire their team to persevere and improve. Emotional intelligence equips managers to handle these scenarios with grace and effectiveness, leading to stronger, more cohesive teams and better overall performance.



The Effects of The Absence of Emotional Intelligence Among Managers;


Without emotional intelligence, managers are likely to struggle with several critical aspects of their role:

  • Poor Communication: Managers who lack emotional intelligence may fail to communicate effectively, which most likely results in  misunderstandings and a lack of clear direction among teams.
  • Increased Conflict: Without empathy and social skills, managers are more likely to exacerbate conflicts rather than resolve them.
  • Low Morale: Inability to manage emotions can result in negative interactions with team members, which leads to decreased motivation and engagement.
  • Poor Decision-Making: Managers who cannot regulate their emotions may make impulsive decisions that are not in the best interest of the organization.
  • High Turnover: A lack of emotional intelligence in managers can make talents feel frustrated and disengaged. This in the long run creates a toxic work environment, and causes higher employee turnover rates and increased recruitment costs.


The Importance of Emotional Intelligence for Managers


Now that we have established what Emotional Intelligence is and the effect of the lack of it, let’s explore the reasons  it is critical for managers:


Improved Team Performance

Managers with high emotional intelligence know how to motivate their teams effectively. They recognize the unique needs and strengths of each team member and assign tasks that play to those strengths. This thoughtful approach not only boosts productivity but also enhances overall team performance, benefiting the entire business.


Effective Leadership

Great leadership involves inspiring and guiding others. Emotionally intelligent managers connect deeply with their team members, and build loyalty and trust. This connection allows them to lead by example and promote a positive, inclusive work culture where everyone feels valued.

Better Decision-Making

Managers with emotional intelligence stay calm under pressure and consider different viewpoints. This ability helps them make well-informed decisions, crucial for solving problems and planning strategically. Their clear, rational thinking ensures better outcomes for the team and organization.


Increased Employee Engagement and Retention

Emotionally intelligent managers create a supportive and engaging work environment where employees feel valued and appreciated. The more  job satisfaction rises, the more turnover rates drop. Happy employees are more committed and productive, and contribute to the company’s success.


Effective Conflict Resolution

Conflicts are bound to happen, but their resolution is key. Managers with strong emotional intelligence handle conflicts constructively, and ensure issues are resolved amicably without any escalation. This skill keeps the team harmonious and focused on their goals.


Positive Organizational Culture

Emotional intelligence helps build a positive organizational culture that makes teams feel safer and have more job security. When employees feel safe, respected, and motivated, they are more likely to collaborate and innovate. This culture promotes a shared sense of purpose and drives the organization forward.


How to Build Emotional Intelligence as a Manager


Developing emotional intelligence is essential for effective leadership. While traditional education programs often overlook these skills, there are effective ways to cultivate emotional intelligence.

For managers seeking to bridge their skill gaps and enhance their emotional intelligence, the Managers That Manage Training program is an invaluable resource. This training is designed to equip managers with the skills necessary to drive continuous business growth and achieve high levels of performance.

Industry experts lead the training sessions, providing practical insights on managing challenging situations that can jeopardize business success. They offer strategies on how to lead exceptionally and drive team performance. For example, managers learn how to handle conflicts constructively, ensuring that issues are resolved amicably and do not escalate. This skill is vital for maintaining a harmonious and productive team.

Additionally, the program includes continuous professional development opportunities. Managers can keep updating their skills and stay ahead of industry trends. According to a recent LinkedIn Learning survey, companies that invest in such training programs see significant improvements in employee engagement and overall team performance.

In conclusion, the Managers That Manage Training program offers a comprehensive approach to developing emotional intelligence and other crucial management skills. 

If you must be an effective Manager, then continuous learning must be a habit for you.  Participating in this training is proof that you are ready to take charge of that business/organisation and set it up for continuous success!